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4 Secret Rules of Success by Him-eesh Madan | Enrich Success

4 Secret Rules of Success by Him-eesh Madan:-

Him-eesh madan is a Digital Entrepreneur who started his Life journey by selling 'Jaljira Masala' costs 1Rs. And today have Millions of Subscribers and Multiple income Sources and all Member of his family is a Digital Influencer including his Brother and Sisters.

Him-eesh Madan Gives 4 Rules of Success. He said that these rules enhanced Success, Achievements and Happiness of his life and Reduced the Disappointed, tragedy and sadness from his life

Rule 1:- Only Say Right Thing

When him-eesh was young, he talks too much then he decided to talk less because during over-speaking people say many things that they don't need, but when he started talking less, He found that it causes lack of confidence and people will not engage with others. Hence the Main thing is that We've to Talk Right because Our tongue👅 doesn't have bones but have ability to Break all 206😂. Words can make Any Position and Relation great or Worst hence Choose your Words Wisely. Imagine you are different and goes to a party, a man says you are unique and another says you are wierd. You like compliment of unique and hate hearing wierd, this is the game of words.

Rule 2:- Don't take Anything Personally

"You are useless, You're going nothing to do, Your Face is not Good, you are unhealthy" - When you Take these kind of Compliments Seriously You lose your Confidence,  You started Believing these Compliments,  You Damage your Single Life. You have To Overcome that, How fast you change yourself, the faster you change your life

Rule 3:- Don't Make Assumptions

Assumptions are like ice, they are different in look but when you melt the total thing gets changed. Imagine you're Walking and your old friend also coming from another side, you said hii but he didn't replied and You Assumed that he have Attitude but may be He Is broken, upset, in tension. Maybe you Want to handshake a person and he Ignored, may be he have any disease or have dirty hand. Replace your Assumptions with Questions, 90℅ Problems will get solved.

Rule 4:- Stop Regretting

Imagine I Put two Heavy Bags on your shoulder and tell you to run, Can you Run on your full potential?. No, Similarly we always carry these bags of Regrets. Time is passed but you are carrying regrets. Don't Regret Always do your Best. Understand your Strengths and Weaknesses, Work on your Decision taking Ability, Keep Learning, Keep Training,  Don't Regret. If you do your best Everyday then the Upcoming regrets of your life vanishes.

To Make your Everyday Best, Follow all these 4 Rules,  A Off clock Says right time two times A day. There's nothing Impossible in this world. The Following these 4 Rules is Possible for you. The changing your Life is possible for you.

Thanks For Reading😄

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