How to Develop Leadership Skills | Effective Leadership skills
How to Develop Leadership Skills - Effective leadership skills: In this Article we'll Going to Master Leadership. Firstly, The question arise is what is Leadership?
Leadership is the Ability to Lead. The Most Common things that found in all leaders is they avoid Staying in their Comfort zone, they Did Extra work and efforts instead of laying in sofa and watching movies. If you Really Wanted to become Successful then Leadership skill is One of the Most necessary Skill you have to master. Now Their are total 6 Factors that are necessary for being a Leader:-
1. Self-control and Discipline
Leaders Have a Self-Control on themselves, they know what to eat, say, when to sleep, what to do etc. Leaders are always get on time and they are time bounded and They're The man of their Words.
2. Conflict Resolver
Leaders always try to make Things better not worst. They always think how it should be better.
3. Motivator
Leaders have a great Influence, they're highly motivated and goal oriented people. They Always Motivates people around themselves. If you live With a Leader then their is a great chance that you also become one.
4. Leading with Vision
Leaders have a vision. They know that where they see themselves in next 1 year. They are totally Aggressive towards their Goal.
5. Manages his Self-talk
Once vivekanand said that 'Get in a conversation with yourself daily otherwise you'll lose a chance to talk with the World's greatest person'. Hence leaders Talk to themselves to take decisions, Plan something or for anything. These things Creates a Self-Worth.
6.Being Comfortable out of Their Comfort Zone
Leaders try to handle Every situation. They Are results oriented. They take Risks in their life so that they become Extra-ordinary.
'The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is a little extra'
Now just talk about what leaders Never do, it is more necessary for being a leader. So there are total 6 things that leader avoid:-
1. Leaders never fight for Power and Control
Leaders get these things automatically when their time comes but they never fight for that. Instead of taking credits they used to give them.
A.P.J. ABDUL KALAM Shared a Story:-" Once When Indian Space research organization done a Space mission but it goes fail, The Leader of ISRO Goes to Media and public and Faced all of them and says that it's all my mistake, next time we'll definitely get success and in next try When the Mission Gets Success, He sent A. P. J. ABDUL KALAM To take all Credits, Get Claps from people and Media, and That's what the Hero's Do.
2. Leaders Never Afraid of Competition by followers
Leaders Never Afraid of Competition by followers, they believe in the best will get Achievement, there's nothing to afraid, just do your best.
3. Leaders Never get Angry.
4. Leaders are not Selfish- They Care and Help people.
5. Leader is not who thinks that just gathering knowledge will bring respect. Knowledge is not equal to Change, Action is equal to Change.
6. Leaders Never ever Wants Appreciation for their Work, but they Appreciate people in even small things.
7. Leader is not Someone who Emphasize the Authority or the Title/Position. They Get to that automatically.
Apply All these formulas to your Life and In just few months you'll see the difference and You become more Valuable. In next Blogs We'll discuss about how to Become Valuable and Respected, so Just be with us and Apply all these steps and Become a Leader and make Your family, friends and Country proud of yourself.
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