Actual Way to Earn Money Online in 2020 No Scam | Enrich Success
Actual Way to Earn Money Online in 2020 No Scam | Enrich Success:- This is the Second part of series How to Earn 1 Lakh Rupee Per Month (2/3). This is the Second Skill you can learn and Earn more than 1 Lakh Rupee per month Genuinely. As I Told you Hard work is the key. You'll find Many blogs that writes "Earn Money Instantly" But this is not right, You need to give at least 3 Months of Effort to reach 1 Lakh rupee per month income. And if you see online then 1 Lakh rupee is not a big deal, You can earn 10x But the Only Thing That stops people from earning is Lack of motivation, Greed and Not able to hard work. If you want to ENRICH SUCCESS. Then Today you're going to Learn about Email Marketing.
What is Email Marketing?
In Email Marketing, You will have a Lots a Email IDs Collection to which You will Sends them Mail about anything like Ebooks, Programs, Products, Advertisement, Videos etc.
Due To Pandemic, Every Brand understands that going digital is necessary. All Those Brand which I Told you on Part 1 as Virtual Assistant, you can also Work for them as Email Marketer.
You can Work with Anyone Like:-
1 Digital Marketer
2. Freelancer
3. Youtubers
4. Local Shops like Haircut shop
5. Businesses or Small Scale Industries
6. Hotels
7. Hospitals, Doctors, Lawyers etc.
You have to Clearly say them that We will do Email Marketing on your Behalf.
At First Select only one of the Niche From them, For Example start doing Email Marketing only for Hospitals. Target 5 Paid Hospitals at first. You can charge 1 Lakh Rupee to a Company for 1 Month of Work. You may think that in Our Country People Can't get that much Income either after getting a Certain degree, this is because they doesn't have Subject Matter Expertise/Skills, and they're Not working for Companies outside their Country. Once you target Rich Nations like US or UK then you can earn more in terms of currency. You can Work with multiple clients.
Make a complete Email marketing Campaign so that you can sell it to Multiple Clients like Restaurants or Gyms.
Why They Need You?
The amount is negligible for them, If they can find someone on their workplace for the same things then they'll charge more. You can Charge 500$ to 1000$ Easily. But at the Starting You've to gain experience so you've to Do some free samples then Increase your charge accordingly.
If a Person Stays on a Hotel and gone then Your First email to them is "Thanks you Letter". Second, You can send Discount Offer for them. Third, If next time that client come then they'll Get some extra services.
Similarly you make 5-6 that type of Sequence. Send Emails to clients on different occasions. Give them remainder about that hotel. So that Hotel get More Income and be happy to pay you.
How to Find Clients?
- Just Google For Email Marketing Jobs, or Email Marketing [Location Name]
- All Companies that requires an Email Marketer must Have an Email or Website. So email Them about What services you provide for them.
- At First, You have to Make a Brand so that you need an Experience and Sample so Work for Free for First 5 Clients and Work harder and harder for getting good Reviews and then you can increase your Charge Accordingly.
Blue Print
1st Month:
Go To YouTube, Google or Udemy like Platforms and Learn Email Marketing for Free. Practice daily for 2 Hours minimum and if you Give Your Day then it's the best thing, and you destroy your competitors
2nd Month:
Go to Freelancer, Fiverr, Upwork and Linkedin and Make Your Profile their that you're an Email Marketer. If possible then make you a Website or At least Facebook Page and Find Work Their.
Find Clients from Google search, Email them and Work for them.
Do Hard Work for 2nd Month For Free. Collect Samples and Expertise as much as you can.
3rd Month
You Can start Charging Money Now. Enjoy Freedom
You're Not going to face any Difficulties regarding to money in Future. Just this 3-4 Month will Change your Life.
Read Part 1 - Single Real Way To Earn Money Online 100% GenuineRead Part 3 - Last Way To Earn Money Online Really without Investment
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