How to Cleanse your Aura and Make people Attracts to you Automatically
How to Cleanse your Aura and Make people attract to you Automatically:- If you want to attract people and Give your blueprint of your personality, If you want that people feel happy if you're present then you have to understand that you've an aura around you that you're continuously emitting. These are the Vibrations you emit and the people around you can feel this. Well, Everything is Energy that travels in frequency and waves. Energy takes the Forms of Substance that we can see and the other form of energy doesn't manifest itself but Exists, We cannot see it but we can feel it and that is aura. Your Aura Decides how much are you Influential. Aura can be of Color White to Black. We've to convert it from black to white. Aura is a Circle of Influence. We all are energy fields. There's a Machine Called Poly-contrast Interference Photography (PIP) that actually see aura. Once it was tried on Dalai lama, One person with PIP Machine captured that the White aura of dalai lama comes before the dalai lama actually entered, and this happens with all of us, Kids can sense this aura more and everyone reacts to you according to your aura. So there are Total 5 Steps to Cleanse your aura.
1. 5 Types of Bath
If You take shower when you was angry or sad then you realise that it enhances your mood. You Have to take bath everyday from now. It Cleanse your Aura Also, Our body is made 5 Elements:- Water, Fire, Earth, Wind and Space so whenever our body get touched from that then it engances your aura
- Water Bath:- As usual you can use Water for Bath in a daily basis and you'll get compounded results in future
- Wind Bath:- Go to the Roof Or Terrace or any place where wind flows, Open Your Arms And feel that the wind is coming and goes with your negativity
- Fire Bath:- Take Sunrays, It Boosts your testosterone and the Person who takes Sunrays are more Happier than others apart from that it also strengthen your bones and Also Cleanse your Aura
- Mud Bath:- You can use Mud While bath as soap or You can take Mud bath from any Place where this service is provided. It enhances your Aura and also Makes a glow in you
- Touch the Earth:- Walk Sometime shoeless in mud, sand or grass, it have many benefits like Improving eye sight. When you touch earth from your feet then earth absorbs your negativity.
2. Meditation
Meditation is a Seperate article, it have infinite benefits, It calms your mind, improve concentration and focus. And When you meditate you try to Relax and away from negative thoughts, You Start observing positivity around you and Your Aura Automatically gets Enhanced and hence your Attraction becomes Super-Amazing
3. Clean your Thoughts
Consciously find Positivity in every situation and make it your habit. When a person said to sit in front of PIP Camera, his Aura Covering 10 Feet distance and then he said to think about the last fight, Instantly his Aura compressed to 4 Feet. Thoughts can immediately change your Aura. Don't Regret for past just learn and move on and Don't get tensed for a Situation that never going to be happen. Be Happy and Enjoy, if you can't then Fake it Till you make it.
4. Bless Everyone
Not only Elders and God bless, you also have the power to bless everyone. Your blessings works like magic because when you Bless someone without any benefits then you Emits a Energy and Vibration and Energy never goes empty. Bless Everyone in every situation. Really from heart.
5. Some more tips to Cleanse your Aura
• If you Eat Junk Foods then your Aura Can't become Clean, Stop Eating Unhealthy and junk foods and see how attraction works.
• No-fap:- If you have control on your urges and desires, You Have to Control it for 150 Days, After 30-40 Days, Your Opposite sex start Attracting towards you, it have Infinite Benefits, Literally you become SuperHuman. Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Tyson, Vivekanand, Nikola Tesla have done that.
• Drink More Water
• Clean Your Choice of Words, Don't Use abusive Words it's reflect your personality in a bad manner and also Makes your Aura bad
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