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How to Develop Sense of Humor | Personality Development

How to Develop Sense of Humor | Personality Development

How to Develop Sense of Humor | Personality Development- To develop a unique personality, You've to master Sense of humor so that Anybody comes to you can enjoy your company and wants to talk to you, And can live 2 Minutes of Happiness of their life with you. Once you develop sense of humor, You'll become happy at yourself, You can enjoy your own company and Defeat all Depression and Loneliness. Personally I Mastered that field and Turned my messed life into Happiness. Sense of humor Makes you a great person and Everybody Likes You.


1. Be a Good Observer

laughing man

Most important thing is to observe everything, Be in present Moment and try to Find funny things around. Sense of humor is all about Timing, once you Master that then Everybody laughs at your joke.

2. Stop Overthinking

stop overthinking

Stop Thinking too much Before Saying, Because the first thing comes to your mind is the Best Response, if you Think before Saying anything then People will lose interest. Say What Comes to your mind. Don't Be Afraid, You'll improve it day by day. The First Response come to your mind is Genuine, Say it aloud.

3. Stay Relaxed

stay relaxed

Stay Relaxed in every situation. Find funny things consciously. When You're angry, start laughing a loud like mad. Turn Your Anger into laughter. People laugh at you when you're angry but degrades your personality. People Make Fun of these types of People. Hence, Stay Calm, Stay Relaxed.

4. Rule Of 3

rule of 3

In this Rule, You've to tell 3 Sentences in which First two sentences are in One Direction and Third is in another Direction.

•I was driving car with my pet
•I doesn't had space to Sit
•Because it was a Buffalo🐃.

You can Make Sentences like this.

5. Extreme Level Comparison

extreme level comparision

Extreme level Comparison or Exaggeration is a way to make people laugh. In this, You Compare Things in a level that's not really Possible.

For eg. If your Friend is Late, Then you can say "I am waiting you from last 100 Days, see my beard is grown". You can practice to Speak something like this.
First become a Good Observer and then think how can you add Exaggeration.

6. Follow Funny Shows

funny shows

Watch Funny Serials and learn from Comedians that How they use jokes and Learn timing for cracking a joke because it's all about timing. Comedians also use Rule of 3

7. Change the Direction

change the direction

The Science behind Humour is direction, When things are going in same direction and then Something different happened then Laugh Occurs. Like if a Car is going straight then it's right but if Suddenly it starts flying then brain thinks it's funny. Hence, Change the Direction. Similar like Rule of 3

8. Learn some Jokes and Keep adding new one


You need to Have Jokes in backup. Jokes can be used anywhere and make Environment Humorous. Learn Some jokes to crack some times in backup.

Don't Reveal that You're going to say a Joke, or This is a funny Joke, Because then joke doesn't make anybody laugh because they get prepared for that. Say Jokes Suddenly, It's all the Game of Time.

9. Sarcasm


Sarcasm is the Most Used and One of the best thing in this list. Sarcasm is a Thing that add Humour to every situation. Be Conscious and be a good Observer and think where can you use Sarcasm.
Sarcasm means Saying something Opposite than the real topic

For eg. If your friend is late, Then you can say, How fast did you come, are you a Superman?. Or
If a 6 Feet tall man says to a 4 Feet tall man that he can beat him, Then its funny. Because its opposite.

Remember that, Not make fun of Anyone, Make sure anyone doesn't feel bad. Anything is Fair in Love, War and Comedy, But doesn't Take Physical Actions to make anyone laugh, it's may Degrade your Value and Reputation.Make fun through your talks,Stories, Mimicry, but Remember,Never Do anything that doesn't match to your Personality. Many people doesn't like sarcasm but You Can use it, You're Alpha.
To Become an Alpha you can read this Article.

10. Funny Moments

Funny Moments

Try to Narrate embarrassing stories of your life. But not Say or reveal Something more awkward that decrease your value. You're Best, If you're trying to make then laugh then you're best, If they responded wrong then They are Fools, see them as Toy of Skeleton.Make sure to Read this Article to Become Alpha.

11. Have Fun, Carry On, Keep Going

Have fun

Sometimes if anybody doesn't laugh at your Joke, then no worry, Carry on!. Keep Learning. You Enjoyed is the most important thing. As we talked before about What you Believe matters most. Have fun in Life. Become a person who Finds fun in every aspects of Life. Find Humour in everything. Become happy 24 Hours. If anyone Comes to you at 2 AM, then say And Bro/sis, Today in 2 AM, Any party Plan, haha.

12. Respond with Humor

respond with humor

Reply With a touch of humour. Don't become too serious in life because nobody likes serious people. Practice, how can you respond in funnier way.

13. Know When you Don't need laughter and fun

know when you don't need laughter and fun

In Every Point, this is the Most important thing. Many Times, You doesn't need a laughter. May be you goes to a Funeral, If you try to make laugh then people sins  you. Develop a Emotional Intelligence, You have to master every situation. Sadness, Care, Laugh, Anger All Emotions are necessary for different aspects of life. Enjoy your life with fun but Always Remember When you doesn't need laughter and fun. I Repeat "Always". If you are in a Group or Society where nobody likes Fun, Then First leave that place. Being Alone is better than living with Fake People. Well, If you're in such type of place then try to Leave it and if it's not possible then be alone or Try to make friends of Same Mind. You're The Average of 5 People You Spend Your Time With.

Chanakya Said "Left those place where people doesn't respect you Immediately".

Friends can be made everywhere all you need to Make good friends. Those people are not friends who Smoke with you, Respect is Involved in friendship. This generation is fool, don't become like them. You're the Best.

"They Laughed at me because I'm Different, I Laughed at them because they all are same"
"The Most dangerous person in the room who is Silent, Listen and Observes"
"I am Gentle, Doesn't fight with anyone but the World Knows that I doesn't fear by anyone"

14. Learn what jokes can cross the line

learn what jokes cross the line

Don't use Non-veg jokes. Alpha people doesn't use vulgar language.

15. Laugh at Yourself

laugh at yourself

Make fun of Yourself. If you're fat and you say I am Not fat then another will say No you're Fat. Hence, Make fun of yourself before anybody do.

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