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How to win an interview | Interview success

How to win an interview | Interview success:- In this Article we follow 7 Steps to Crack any Interview.


1. Entry:- 


Knock the door and say 'May I come in sir/mam'. Then Come near the seat and ask 'May I take a Sheet'. When they say yes- pull the chair slowly without making any sound through it to make space for you to sit if required. Then Sit Comfortably (Left your cv on table while pulling chair then sit and pass it), not too Straight just Comfortably with manner with a Smile in face, You may pass your CV slightly on the table and get ready to Answer all questions.

2. Focus on Body Language and Facial Expression:-


Show confidence from your Body, Chin up your face and have a smile on your face. Slowdown your movements. Try to use gestures.

3. Be prepared for 'Tell me About Yourself?' :- 


This is a Common question asked and People think they knew it, just take a break and introduce yourself to me now. Is you done? You may uttered after 3-4 Lines. Hence Be prepared for that with Practice.

4. Presentation of CV/RESUME is the Presentation of you Hence make sure Your CV is in a Good-Little expensive Leather File because you're going to get a job over 10,000 So you need to have it.

5. Be prepared with your Previous Work Samples

6. Exact Words to Use:-

•May I came in Sir/Madam?
•May I sit Please?
•Before Interviewer say something, sit and give your CV Slightly to them saying here is my CV
•Use This Sentence at the end of your Introduction:- As far as my other Qualities are concerned, I am a hard working and Responsible person.

7. If you're a Fresher then say "Salary doesn't matter sir, you look at my work".

8. Ultimate Close ( You have 99℅ Chance to get that Job after using this Sentence):- Are your excited to Know this sentence?😆,Use this sentence at the end and get your job in your hand:-


"In the end I would like to say that I don't want any salary, firstly I would like to work for a Month and then you give me What you think I deserve"

After using this sentence, Interviewer definitely give you job and It doesn't mean they're not going to give you salary, may they give less for a month. Or maybe they're not giving but you get your dream job and after a month you'll get your Salary. If you do better then may You get Upward post in your job or may get More salary than others after a month. Be the Master of your field. For a Month put all your efforts in the Work, be the most hard working person in the room Then say thank you to us in the Comments section, we're waiting for you😄

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