Traffic Control for Online influencer and Marketers | Email Marketing:- Assume that you have a YouTube channel with millions of subscribers and one day it got terminated and you invested 5 years on that channel. What should you do now?
For the Answer you have to Learn about traffic (Audience)
1. Traffic you own:- These are the people who's emails are owned by you or you get connected with them in Social media. This is the best type of Audience because if you Make a video then you can easily mail or massege them.
This is the Asset of online business, this is the single thing that is the key of achievement in Online business. If you have a list of people then you'll not get any marketing cost. You can sell them new products.
2. Traffic you Control:- This is the second best type of traffic. If you use any type of advertisement like Facebook ad, banner ad, insta ad etc. Then you can send The people how much you want to anywhere you want. Means you get a huge amount of audience. This is a good method but you always need to pay money for that. Therefore Trick is that Invest a Single time on Advertisement and take Email id of people from them therefore you can provide value to the audience as your will.
3. Traffic you do not Control:- All people comes in your YouTube subscribers, facebook-instagram followers, Linked-in connections, all these people comes in this type of traffic. We didn't control them because they're in another's platform. If we talk about YouTube, Facebook or Twitter anything then they are businesses and they change their algorithms according to their situation and we become prey of that because they have many creators like us. Therefore we never get dependent on them. So we need to collect Emails of them to be safe.
Simply we have to convert Traffic you control and traffic you don't control into TRAFFIC YOU OWN.
And this is possible by creating a Funnel webpage or squeeze page. In this webpage we provide then any kind of value like Free pdf, video, masterclass etc. And these are the actual information through which audience get squeezed and give their emails or mobile number.
Example of funnel

This is a type of funnel in which people give their email to get this free pdf book. This is a book which really helps you and they becomes your customers so that they follow you more.
Search 'How to make funnel' in YouTube or Comment down so that we make an article or video on step by step funnel creation. Thanks for reading 😄
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