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How to make and break habits | Atomic Habits Summary

How to make and break habits | Atomic Habits Summary

How to make and break habits | Atomic Habits Summary:- We are the Reflection of our Habits. If you're poor then it's because of your Habits and if you're rich then it's because of your habits. We all Make Goals for a Habit but after a time we leave it. If you want to Change your life then you have to Change your habits. It's because You always take big actions for a goal. Definitely you must have a big goal but steps must be small. You have to make small habits to achieve bigger one. You only Have to achieve 1% Growth Per day. Don't try to Achieve 100% at once, if you only Improve 1% then after a Year you become 365% More of yourself. 1% Growth makes you 37 Times better. Writer says that To achieve anything you have to follow system instead of goals. Goal is related to Result and System is related to process.


Winners and Losers both have Same Goals but Winners win because of their Process, their system decide who win. If you want to clean your room and you cleaned it in one day then after a week it come back in bad situation but If you make habit of cleaning your room everyday for just 5 Minutes then your room be clean forever.

Any habits can be changed in two ways:-
•Outcome Based:- You Change your Results
•Identity Based:- You change your beliefs

If a person who stopped smoking and when someone asks him for smoke then Outcome based person say "No thanks, I Have to I am trying to quit" Whereas Identity based person say "No thanks, I am not a Smoker" . You can change your Identity by changing your habits.

Any Habit can be Formed in 4 Steps:-
•Cue:- It's the Trigger for which you do something Eg. You get Notifications on your phone that trigger you to use it.

•Craving:- It's the feeling you gain Last time you did that work that motivate you to do it again. Eg. You Feels Pleasure while using phone last time

•Response:- Those action you Take for making a habit Eg. You Open your Phone To use it.

•Reward:- The feeling of satisfaction of doing that work.


If you want to break any Bad Habit then make these changes on that activity:-

•Cue:- Make it Invisible
•Craving:- Make it unattractive
•Response:- Make it Difficult (May be Put your phone to another room so action becomes bigger)
•Reward:- Make it unsatisfying

Oppositely if you want to make a new habit then
•Cue:- Make it obvious
•Craving:- Make it Attractive
•Response:- Make it easy and
•Reward:- Make it Satisfying
Let's Understand it one by one

1. Make it Obvious

In a Study, Students are divided into 3 Groups
Group A is said to do Gym.
Group B is Instructed, Motivated by Trainers and Also They Learnt benefits of gym and
Group C are Just said to When and Where they have to do Gym.
Results shows that
18% of Group A students do gym
47% of Group B students do gym and
80% of Group C students do gym.

Because Group A and Group B doesn't know where and when they have to gym. So you can use Cue method.

You can do something by Environment that you can't do by Motivation. Sometimes you eat junk food when you're not hungry just because you can see it in front of you everytime easily.

2. Make it Attractive

To make anything attractive you can Do Hard things before easy things for making it attractive.
Eg. I Will use phone after exercising instead of I will exercise after using phone.
Or you can change your environment like if you want to study then you can make friends who study with you.

3. Make it easy

Here Law of Least effort work. You'll never study if Watching TV is more easier than study. So put your books where you can easily get that. Or you can join gym near your office. Or you can remove battery from remote and remove plug of TV or simply Transfer it to another room.


3. Make it Satisfying

The Two minute Rule:-
2 Minute Rule says that If you want to make habit of something then do it for 2 Minutes.
Eg. You made habit of study for 6 Hours but you're not able to do it. Then Sit on your Study table/place at which time you decided and Study only for 2 Minutes.
You get 2 Benefits from that

1. When you think that You have to study for just 2 Minutes then you can easily start studying and Greater chances are you Will Study For More time once you start studying

2. If you only Studied for 2 Minutes then it's always better than You had never started it.

Everybody knows smoking is injurious for health but they do because it Gives them pleasure for 2 Minutes.

Always give you rewards for even small achievements. Make target to eat chocolate only after finishing work. Make cross sign on calenders so that once if you make a chain/streak then you'll not easily break that habit.

Apart from book, I also Want to add my Story of habit creation Through which I made Habits in One Day. I Made Habits of Waking up at 5 AM, Exercise, Meditate, Reading watching and listening something knowledgeable all in daily Basis. I Just Start working as Robot. Many people says that love your work not your result but it is totally incorrect. Always Love your Result whether you Hate your work. A Famous Wrestler says that I Hate every single Second of Practice but I Love when I Have Trophy in my Hand. May You Doesn't want to do exercise but if you love the Results achieved by Exercise then you can do it. Make a routine and follow it like a Robot. Cry or Die but Be regular with your routine. That's How I made These Habits in a Single Day
- Bhanu Prakash

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