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Best and Easiest Meditation to Know Your True Self - Sound of Silence

Best and Easiest Meditation to Know Your True Self - Sound of Silence

Ever amazed by the world? Well what if I say the world is inside you, well you didn’t get it so easily whether you’re very scientific, then welcome to the Enrich Success and get your seatbelt ready.

In previous article we’ve talked about Meditation, their benefits and How to. If you doesn’t have any previous knowledge about meditation then Read it, or you can continue.

Today we’re going to talk about Sound of Silence, Wait, What! Yes, Sound of silence, you’re very scientific so you can say that there’s no sound of Silence but we spiritual people have answer for everything.

You may think that Meditation is a very boring activity and you cannot sit on the same place and try to focus on your breath again and again. Well there are different types of meditation and you’re trying the wrong one.

There are Different types of meditation in which 99% are boring at beginning but 1% are those types that are really fun to do and you literally enjoy doing that and it brings you to the top.

That meditation is Sound of silence meditation. Well, when two bodies get in touch then sound born. You can hear of sound of clap by two hands but you can’t hear the sound of clap performed by only one hand, and here is the point.

There are too many sounds you hear in your daily life and you are listening a sound at the present moment also, and that is the problem, we’re living in a busy day, that’s why Monks decided to go to forests and mountains for peace.

But don’t worry, you doesn’t need to go to Forest or mountain because Enrich Success has a solution for your Problem.

Sound of Silence is a Simple and enjoyable way of meditation in which you doesn’t need to put any effort, because this sound of silence will automatically capture your attention again and again either you’re very disturb minded. If you want to Stop Overthinking then read this article.

Best and Easiest Meditation to Know Your True Self - Sound of Silence

What is Sound of Silence?

As we read that Sound of silence is a meditation that will automatically grab your attention but let’s be clearer with that.

As we hear sound in our surroundings we forgot about our inner sound, There is a Continuous sound flowing inside us and you can hear it yourself, Yes Today, At present Moment! There is a Sound of you inside you and that is the True Reality.

If you sit in a silent place then you will start hearing a continuous sound like Sea, Sound of Insect, Om, Sound of sankh or Something like that is continuous. You may feel that it is coming from outside but it’s coming from inside you.

Do you remember last time when you get slapped? If not, then You’ve to know that whenever we came in a dangerous situation or something strike with our ears with a force, then we hear a beep sound, That is your inner sound.

What is Sound of Silence?

There’s nothing real outside, everything you’re watching is inside us. You didn’t get it till now Am I Right? Well today that’s over. See!

When the light of something enters in your eye then it makes a project on retina and you see it and similarly to sound and smells etc. That means everything you’re watching is inside your mind. Nothing is true, you can see your own body also inside your mind, means it’s also fake.

Let’s be Practical!, see any object near you, are you watching it, Light of that object entering your eye but Light also takes some time to enter your eyes, it means you’re watching the past, nothing is here, you’re watching things on past.

When you see stars on night that lets say 20 Light years away means light take 20 years to reach your eye, May this star destroyed after 18 Years. Means you’re watching something that is dead. You’re watching a Ghost!!!!

Come back to the topic, we’ll go deeper later. Why we call it sound of silence? Because sound born due to interaction but there’s no interaction and you can only hear it when you go totally silent, otherwise you can’t.

It’s a paradox, there is no sound, but you’re hearing it means sound is here. So the Sound of Silence is more Accurate.

How to Perform Sound of Silence Meditation?

There is nothing like sitting posture on this, you can sit in chair, bed or anywhere you’re comfortable, never sit on a place where you’re not comfortable.

Go to market and buy earplugs for yourself first, you can get it for very cheap price. Or you can put your Earphone In your ears. If that’s also not Possible then you can put cotton, clothes or anything that will protect you from outer sounds, Earplugs are the best option for this.

Now do nothing!

You’ll automatically start hearing a sound and that is Sound of Silence. Listen it… Listen it…. Listen it…... you will go deeper. You’re not hearing anything from outside, it’s your inner voice the True Voice, The God, The True Reality.

As you’re going you’ll hear sound of silence, sound of your breathing, sound of your heartbeat just keep going! This sound will automatically stop your minds chatter and make you more conscious, your work is to Go Deeper and Deeper.

How to Perform Sound of Silence Meditation?

During every meditating session, a moment comes where you’re totally unaware, you slept, you become one with everything, you achieved nothingness or you can say it anything you want. But people get stuck on the things like How to do it? How to achieve that level? Why I can’t feel like yesterday.

Never stuck in these things, May you can’t feel like yesterday but that’s a process, you’re achieving ultimate consciousness, it takes time, be calm.

At the end near your Heart, An amazing sound came and that is known as “Anahata Sankh”, it’s just like Om…… It’s a straight line of voice and it’s the Final Sound of Silence.

You’re connected to yourself, you are connected to god, and you’re connected to true self. That sound is the God. Enjoy!


Sound of Silence by Sandeep Maheswari - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dD_fk9ELJ24

Who Am I? by Sandeep Maheshwari - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXxM3kpcX-4

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