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How to Stop Overthinking and relax | Enrich Success

How to Stop Overthinking and relax | Enrich Success

How to Stop Overthinking and relax | Enrich Success :- Overthinking is a issue where You’re Thinking about your own little world that you’re closed in. You have to come out of the world that you made for yourself and you’re swimming in it. Overthinking is a Huge issue and affecting the lives of people of every age group and especially it’s Affecting the lives of Teenagers and Young.

Overthinking actually affects your IQ and overthinking is a issue that can Destroy your life. In Studies of Stanford, according to scientific basis, Overthinking reduce Creativity and Slowdown Mental Growth. Overthinking  Reduce the efficiency of neurons.

According to Scientific Researches, Daily 70,000 Thoughts comes to our mind where 95% Thoughts are Useless.

Such that Overthinking is a Huge issue and needed to be cure. These Days people are talking about Physical Illness but no one is talking about mental illness like Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Overthinking etc. Overthinking can lead you to Depression, Anxiety and Stress.

How to Stop Overthinking and relax

“Think Less, Live Better” “Think less, Live more”

Story of a Magician - Harry Houdini

Story of a Magician Harry Houdini

This is a Real life Story of a Magician Harry Houdini who claims that He can Unlock the lock of any prison in 1 Hour. He get locked in Every Prison and actually he opens all of them. A Coincidence can’t happens again and again, People only saw that he carries a Wire under his Belt through which he opens the Lock.

Once He was called to a new place to show his talent but this time before going to prison, People tell him that it is the Best Prison in the Country, by these words the Confidence of Harry Houdini drops a little and becomes nervous but He goes to prison. After One Hour……. Two Hour……….and four hour. Harry Houdini doesn’t able to open the door, his confidence gets down and he Become Frustrated and Slaps the Door of Prison in anger. Ultimately Door Opened. Door was never locked, Harry Houdini gets a Surprise there. The door is locked only in the mind of Harry Houdini. Because People said that it’s the best prison, He Doesn’t get succeed. That’s How Overthinking Affects your Brain.


“Don’t wait for the condition to become right, Make right yourself”


Magic of Daydreaming


·         Daydreaming is good and do positive thinking and it can destroy overthinking.

·         Aura by Positive Thoughts, You like someone without knowing by aura.

There’s a Huge Difference Between Daydreaming and Overthinking. Every Great Idea born during Day Dreaming either it is The Discovery of Gravity by Newton, Theory of relativity by Albert Einstein, SpaceX by Elon Musk or anything you’re watching is a cause of Daydreaming.

Become a Positive Thinker, Think about What you’ll do after getting success, Where will you go After buying a Rolls Royce Car from own Business, What can you do to become Better. When you do Positive Thinking then its directly proportional to Law of Attraction

Law of attraction is a Law of Universe that says “Whatever you Focus on, Expands”, If you focus on Success, If you focus on Happiness, If you focus on Money, It will Expand but if you focus on your Problems, Tension, Arguments or any negative perspective then these things Expands. So Always Focus on Positive Things.

Daydreaming can Destroy Overthinking, hence Overthinking is useless If you replace it with Daydreaming then your brain releases same or even greater level of dopamine and fluids So that you can Enjoy the Same you’re Enjoying Overthinking and once you replace it with Daydreaming then You’ll get extra benefits like Motivation, Purpose, Ideas and so on that adds value to your life.

Aura is also affected by Positive Thinking, Do you ever see a person who’s looking attractive to you even you never talked to them. It’s Because of Aura, Aura is a Energy everyone carries that makes your impression and personality great or bad. Read the Full article of Aura From Here and also learn How can you cleanseyour Aura.

“If you doesn’t have enemy inside then outside enemy can’t do anything”

EGO and Expectations

ego and expectations

Ego causes overthinking. Your Ego is a problem of many situations so if you can’t remove it, you can change it with positive ones. Every Arguments, Fights and negative things happens to your life causes you overthinking.

Most of the time people only Thinks that what they had to do at that time that is completely wastage and you never do that. You got the Best answers after the argument ends. Forget about past, learn from it and move on. Whenever a Past thought comes to your mind Cry a Loud “Cut” and start doing something or start thinking positive.

Sometimes instead of thinking what they need to do at that time, they think what will they do if this happens, People make imaginary situations and win it. Completely Funny. You may set a Goal to achieve it so that you can create this situation. Success is the Best Revenge but just thinking about it is not a right thing and you must avoid it because at that moment you’re in the highest peak of your negativity.

Expecting too much causes emotional pain so never expect anything from anyone. Once you learn to not expecting a bit from anyone, You become Ultra level of yourself. Expectations never comes true. Nobody can fulfill your wishes – You have to DO IT!

Be Happy, Always Put a smile on your face. Develop sense of humor and Enjoy your life in a best possible manner.

“If a Smile makes a Photo Elegant, Then Think what it will do with your Life. Keep Smiling”

7      Ways To Overcome Overthinking

1. Exercise


Doing at least 10 Minutes of exercise can boost your energy and you know that we’re in a energy circle. Nikola Tesla said that “If you want to understand the universe, Think about Vibrations, Frequency and Energy”. You can understand this term in Aura cleansing Article. When your energy is high, you feel happiness and joy but when your energy goes down, you feel sad and depressed. So putting up your energy in higher level, you have to do exercise in a daily basis.

Exercise boosts your mood, Make Muscles, Make your Energy better, Make you more Confident and Satisfied. In ancient times, exercise was considered as basis of living daily so daily exercise is very necessary. Do exercise daily for 30 Minutes for 30 Days and then you’ll see changes on your body and mind respectively. Comment below if you feel some changes.

1 Hour of running increases 4 Hours of life and Running is a Full body exercise so it’s a Better Option but if you’re at Home and want to do Exercise then Must Read this Article for Full Body Exercise at Home.

2. Listen to Rock/Loud Music

Listen to Rock/Loud Music

Listening to Rock and Loud music can Enhances your mood and its enjoyable. You can listen to Hiphop Rap Songs which are trending right now, Music is a Part of Nature. Music has ability to diagnose diseases, In ancient times, Tansen Like musicians used to Make Rain and Burn Fire from Music these are known as Raga. These raga are extinct but the science behind it is Directing the Huge frequencies for a specific purpose.

So the point is that, You can listen to music and Enjoy.

3. Cold Water Bath

Cold Water Bath

In Aura Cleansing article, we talked about how bath affectsyour Aura so Must read it. Cold Water bath makes you refreshed and Remove your load pressure in mind. You may notice that when someone does a hard work and had a bad mood goes to take a bath and when they come out they feel better and relaxed, Definitely better from before.

4. Meditation


If you’re not Meditating, You are losing your life. Meditation is an Amazing art and when you’ll find its Amazingness then you’ll never stop doing it. If you’re a spiritual person then you know what can it do, If not then be with Enrich Success we’ll talk about it separately in future. Meditation can cure All Mental Pressure, Mental illness, Tension, Stress, Anxiety, Headache, Overthinking, Depression, Sadness and makes you Joyful, Happy, Focused, Mature, Spiritual, and have millions of benefits.

I will suggest you to Definitely Follow this step either you’re not able to do anything written in this article, Do Meditation at least. May you doesn’t feel benefits first day but Definitely you’ll feel amazing transformation in your life in 30 Days.

Take 21 Days Challenge for Exercise and Meditation daily because according to psychology, 21 Days is needed to Make or Break any Habit. If You want to Change your Habits but confused, Read this Article of Atomic Habits.

5. Binaural Music

Binaural Music

As we talked about the Power of Music, There are some special types of music that can directly affects You, and these are called Binaural music. Binaural Music designed by different frequencies that can affect different parts of your brain. There are binaural beats available for specific purposes like if you want to Increase your IQ, Increase concentration, Happiness, Power, Learning capacity, Creativity and so on.

Remember that all binaural beats doesn’t works correctly, Rumors says YouTube doesn’t support Binaural beats. Listen to binaural beats daily for 10 Minutes and it will Rewire your Brain. Rewiring Brain can be best done with Sexual Transmutation that is briefly explained in Summary of Think and grow Rich.

Binaural Beats are Literally Amazing!!! Try It definitely, You can Purchase Ultimate Brain Booster app Designed by FactTechz which are Real Binaural beats and can really affects your Brain Nerves.

6. Focus on One Thing

Focus on One Thing

Doing many things at once can disturb your mind and causes irritation and even you can’t give your 100% in even one. So Train your brain to Focus on one thing at a time. May you have to do different tasks then Plan it one day before so you doesn’t have load.

You can do Jam Sessions to Develop your Will Power Muscles. Will Power is actual physical muscle of your Brain and can be developed like you develop Other muscles. Jam Sessions help you do that. In Jam session, You cut off yourself from world, switch off your phone and Take one Task like reading 50 Pages then you Time bound it for 45 Minutes (Jam Sessions can’t be done lower than 30 Minutes). Then you Start it.

7. Live in Present

Live in Present

Be on Present reality. You can’t change your past so Move on, You have nothing to do with it and thinking about it can affect your future. So Learn from it and move on. Then, You can’t go to Future, Daydreaming is essential, Thinking and Visualising your future is a Great thing and must be Done as we Talked about it but it doesn’t mean you’re Making a Revenge plan.

Be on Present moment, You become stronger from your Past and now you’re a Upgraded Version of yourself. Now whatever you do today will affect your future. So Do good in present to get higher returns in Future.


This Happened to me, Keep it Lightly. Anyone done something or said something wrong, Take it lightly. Keep Enjoying and take everything lightly, No one is better than you Believe Me! 

Don't Become Serious in Life, Live like a Enjoyer. When you was lying on your death bed, Make sure Your last Words are "I Enjoyed a Great Life". Keep Things Lightly. Always remember a dialogue "So, What?"

That’s All for today, Keep Learning and Keep Growing and Follow Enrich Success. Share this article to everyone because these Days almost everyone is Suffering from Overthinking except that 1% who not only read it but also Implement and Take action. Your One Share can make Anyone Successful Tomorrow. Knowledge Expands when you Share it.

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