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Is formal education is really Important to Become Successful?

Is formal education is really Important to Become Successful?

We’ll went to school and Colleges and paid fee to them. At the end many people Gets a good 9-5 Job, Some got placement with a good salary, some gets package of some lakhs and some people remains unemployed after completing their education.

The Question is that Is formal education required to Become Successful? Firstly talk about What is Success. A Person with Good source of income having a happy family called Successful in our areas.

Whether there is another category of highly successful people who earns in millions and billions, May be they are Business man or Investors. They can’t work for Money but they made a system so that they also earns while sleeping.

Who is Successful here? Both of them are successful in their life but if we talk about in all terms like, Power, Money, Happiness, Freedom then Second category overpowers.

Is formal education is really Important to Become Successful?

History of Education System

When English Captured the major parts of the World then they announced an Education system so that they produce more and more employee to work for them. They created that type of education system to Produce Workers for them.

But Sadly, This education system is going as it is. The real motive of education system is to produce Employee not Owner.

Before the English Ariven to India, there was a Great Education system called Gurukul where Every student sent to that Hostel until they became 25 Years old and there they Learn About different Subjects, Vedas, Science. They have to practice Celibacy (Bramhcharya) so that they had Laser sharp focus and memory and they're able to learn Whole Sanskrit Vedas, Puranas, All Science that Scientists are searching for on Their Mind. If you want more explanation about that then comment below your queries.

History of Education System

"I was an Average Student of my class But Today the Toppers are working under Me"

                                                                                                        -    Bill Gates

Successful People

successful people

People who completed their formal education and achieved any title like Doctor, Engineer, Scientist etc. and Work under any Organization like Hospital and get Salary in return of their 9-5 Job are Called Successful people.

They got some Respect in neighbor, some people knows them, Most of the time the people of their own city, or state can only know them.

They Work so hard to earn money, Sometimes They Created job for themselves and be owner of their own like Opening a own clinic, Now they got some freedom but the same thing is how much they work is how much they get paid.

These people Gain a little Respect, Little Money for the hours they work, They Doesn’t have any power they just work to Eat two breads and feed their family, They doesn’t got freedom they need to work for whole life and plan the future of his family by making their Children an Employee just like Us, That’s why we’re forced to go to school.

Highly Successful People

Highly Successful People are the innovators, Businessman or Investors who made a system in which Money works for them. They become financially free that means they can eat their whole life without doing anything. In India, You need 3.6 Crore Rs. And a Little Knowledge of Nifty 50 Index to achieve this level.

These people Earns a Lot of money behalf of their work, their system Makes them profit and grows themselves.

Highly Successful People are Famous in the whole Country or the Whole world, At least, they doesn’t need to introduce themselves wherever they go.

Highly Successful people attracts people towards them and they gain Ultimate Respect, Power, Domination, Freedom and Money. They can travel to the Whole world and also Do Charity and make country stronger by paying more taxes and supporting Share market of their country.


In above Two Stages we’ve understood that who is better. What you want to become? A Successful Person or a Highly Successful person.

1. How to Become Successful Person

  • ·         Get Formal education
  • ·         Study Hard and become topper because Unemployment is increased right now so only Toppers have a guaranteed future, may be
  • ·         Get a Job and Work there for your entire life like most of the people are doing
  • ·         Die and No one will remember you except your family because you leave a Huge Loan that your family have to pay now.


  • ·         May be you’ll buy your Own Home and an own Vehicle.
  • ·         You’ll eat daily
  • · You can sleep, Someday may be no.

2. How to Become Highly Successful Person

Well there is no a simple Route, People who came to this route needs a consistent Hard work, Learning and gaining more and more knowledge, may be people demotivate them in starting but later they’ll get jealous from them.

  • First way,
  • Educate Yourself at your Field of interest
  • Monetize your Passion.
  • Second Way,
  • Educate Yourself in your field of interest
  • Learn about Business or Investment
  •  Start it, Fail many times but at the End, You’ll Bang on
  • Enrich Success has the goal to make you highly successful so Follow us and also follow other Entrepreneurs, channels, books and Pages.


  • ·         You’ll become financially free and you doesn’t need to work to earn money for a single second.
  • ·         You can do whatever you love to do
  • ·         You will become free to do anything and also travel world
  • ·         Money brings power
  • ·         You can Do anything you want



I’ll Highly Recommend you to Read “Rich dad Poor Dad”, from this book we got a formula called, ESBI Formula that says There are total 4 ways to earn money let’s Discuss

1. Employment

These Peoples Work under a Company and Organization and earns money in return of Their Work. They are very hard working People includes Doctors, engineers, scientists etc.

2. Self Employed

These people Creates Job for themselves and earns money in return of their hard work. Egg. Opening a Store and become shop owner, Opening a Clinic and work as a doctor there.

Its better stage of employment where people gets a little more Freedom that employees.

Note: Many people thinks that they become business man at that stage but that’s not true, read no. 3

3. Business

These Peoples are Business man. They Started something of their Own and Created a System where Other People (Employee) Works for them and they earn money By the Hard work of their employee.

They Create Job opportunities and hire employee

4. Investors

Investors Invests in other Companies or Invests in Real State and get Returns from them. They doesn’t starts a Company but Owns Shares of Other Companies and get Profit.

The Magical Point is that Employee and Self Employed have only 10% of the Total Money of the World. And Business Man and Investors Have 90% Money of the World.

From that We Understood that Formal education is not such important that people are showing it. The Self Education is more essential.

“You can learn anything in the world basically for free, Colleges are just for Fun”

-          Elon Musk

How much Role Study played in the Life of Highly Successful People


Some Individuals from The Top Richest Man in the World list of Forbes 2020

1. Jeff Bezos: He is the Richest man in the World at the year 2020, He Worked at McDonald’s at the age of 16, Later he started Selling Books from his Garage Now He Sells Almost everything in the world.

As he was working from an age of 16, And Literally his Education doesn’t played any role because it never teacher him to grow a business, It’s his Self-education

2. Bill Gates: Sold his first Computer Program when he was 17 Years Old, Later Started Microsoft and become Billionaire and currently the third richest man in the world.

3. Mark Zuckerberg: He is the youngest billionaire. He is a Naughty type Person, Started Facebook and later become the youngest billionaire at the age of 23.

At the age of 23 He became a Self-Made Billionaire.

4. Elon Musk: He is the person who sends people to Mars, Launch Rockets, Controls human mind through Neuralink, Convert Solar energy to Electrical energy, The Owner of Tesla Cars and So on. He is a Crazy Person, You can Read the Case Study of Elon Musk From here, and you’ll Literally Enjoy and enjoy his journey.

He sold his First Company Zip2 at Late 20s, Age Doesn’t matters really, He made a Video game from a Computer lying in a corner of his house and sold it for 500$ at the Age Of 12.

Well, that’s information is enough for today, be with Enrich Success for more Updates like that. Today we learnt that Formal Education is not such Important until you want to become a doctor, engineer etc.  

If you want to earn money, enjoy, make everyone happy, donate, Freedom For whole life, do whatever you want then formal education making you dumb.

There are a Lot of Examples of people Who become Poor to Rich, Their are lot of Uneducated people who started their own business.

Comment down your Queries and Thanks for Reading. 


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