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How to Make or Remove a Habit by 21 Days challenge

How to Make or Remove a Habit by 21 Days challenge

How to Make or Remove a Habit by 21 Days challenge :- Human brain is the most powerful and unique machine ever made. Your brain has the capability to Achieve anything you can think. Old scriptures and Quantum physics now days getting to the conclusion that the world is a Simulation.

Today Our topic has a Touch of Science and Quantum physics and the Topic is “Science behind 21 Days”.

According to years of Scientific Researches, Human brain can be manipulated in a interval of 21 Days. Doesn’t matter how bad your habit was you can Vanish it by this 21 Day Rule.

This rule says that for Making any Habit or Removing anyhabit, You need 21 Days of continuously practice. If you want to remove a bad habit from your life then Leave it for 21 Days and amazingly you will find that your bad habit got vanishes magically.

If you want to make any habit even the hardest one, Do that thing for 21 Days regularly without any gap and you will find that on 22nd Day, You can’t live without doing it.

Our Subconscious Mind

Our Brain is divided basically into two parts: Conscious mind and unconscious mind. Whatever you do Consciously like Watching, playing, taking actions, talk, speech, eat and Each and Every decisions you take every second is done by your Conscious Mind.

Amazing fact is that your Conscious mind is only 10% part of your brain. The other 90% is your Subconscious mind.

Your Subconscious mind works for 24 Hours. The information feed in your subconscious mind decides who are you.

Scriptures and Philosophers says that your soul is on your Subconscious mind and even You can perform Past life recreation through Meditation or hypnosis. I don’t know you believe in them or not but you cannot ignore Science.

There is a Branch of Physics called Quantum physics where you can find amazing unsolved mysteries that will force you to read old scriptures.

Decisions you take like breathing, pumping of heart are all done by your Subconscious mind.

Habit Formation is both Power and Weakness, because whatever you do or whatever society makes you do can become your habits.

Your subconscious mind is the most powerful thing in the universe, whatever information you put here can become your reality.

You can edit your subconscious mind in 21 Days.

Why 21 Days?

Your brain works through electric signals passing through your neurons. In 21 Days, you can completely change the functions of your Neurons and even your physical brain.

You will commit that you did a murder even you not, That’s the power. All these information are collected by Years of scientific researches, You are very lucky that you are getting all of it today.

Many Students have problem that they cannot sit on a place for long hours and concentrate on their studies, Well there is the answer:

Select how much hours you want to study with full concentration, Sit on your study table in a daily basis for 21 Days, Don’t stand to drink water, don’t stand for washroom, get prepared before, Die or cry or sleep there but do not stand up from there. After 21 Days you’ll become a Long hours studying  student with full concentration.

Your Brain is very complex and powerful but if your will power muscles are strong then you can easily Trick your mind.

Law of Attraction

Do you ever heard about Law of Attraction? Law of attraction is a Universal law that says “Whatever you focus on Expands”.

If you focus on Problems, Frustration or Tension then they will expand and if you Focus of Money, Happiness, Even Materialistic things like Bike, home and anything, They will expand. This law is Explained in the Summary of Think and Grow rich so Do not forget to Read that.

You can achieve anything in 21 Days, Write on paper how much money (or anything even marks)  you want and make a deadline and repeat it loudly on morning and before sleeping for 21 Days, You starts attracting them. Must read Think and grow Rich.

Now some of you wants Scientific Explanation, Well Science confirms that Everything is universe is vibrations.

“If you want to understand Universe then think in terms of Vibration, Frequency and Energy”

-          Nikola Tesla

There is a Branch of Physical Science that is Quantum physics that confirms that Everything Is in the form of waves until any observer observe it. That means if you are not looking at your phone it means it does not exists but when you start looking at it, it appears suddenly.

For this you have to understand An Experiment called Double Slit Experiment Performed by Albert Einstein. When the particles of light (photons) passed through slits, it acted like wave but when an observer placed there then it acted like Particle. You can See full Explanation from here or Watch Video

This also Concludes that your Future affects your Past. Amazing and Brain breaking. You Can’t deny it because I’m not telling it from Mythology but from Scientific point of view. Quantum physics has the ability to understand the Universe.

Well, as science is developing it finds that everything is written in scriptures and so that Scientist are reading old scriptures even NASA Scientists are reading Ancient Indian Scriptures.

If you want to Understand it all then you can Read my Book Tantra and Science, just comment below for the link.

Positive thinking Trick

Before Sleeping, think something positive, You can hear to affirmations at that time because Subconscious mind is most active before we sleep and just after we wake up. What information you feed can become your Reality.

There is nothing that cannot be achieved, Your brain is not capable to think something you cannot achieve in this same life. Believe this Sentence.


You can perform Self Brainwash in 21 days. Target something you want to achieve and start taking actions toward it.

Meditation and hearing to Binaural beats are amazing method to manipulate your mind, You can achieve Peace and happiness if you follow everything correctly for 21 Days.

If you want something then attract it for 21 Days. To improve concentration and brain power you can take 21 Days Challenge. You can take 21 Days challenge to leave any bad habit.

If you have Confusion anywhere then comment Below, I will try to solve that. For any query just comment below and Share this article Everywhere so that they also understand some secrets.

Thanks for Reading.

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3-znQjKGPo

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